The closest airport is Split (SPU), and there are nearby airports in Zadar (ZAD) and Dubrovnik (DBV). For detailed information on how to reach MedILS see here, under the tabs "Where are we" and "How to reach us". For bus departures and arrivals, see Bus Station Split. Additional information on Split is available at The City of Split.
Accepted participants should reserve accommodation as soon as possible, as this is a peak tourist season in Split. We will provide a list of accepted participants if you want to look for shared accommodation. Medils center can provide accommodation for around 40 participants in two and three bed rooms, at a cost of approximately 45-55 Euro per person per night. Priority will be given to students and postdocs.
We plan to organize a tour of Split city centre and Diocletian's palace on Tuesday afternoon and tour to the island of Hvar or Brač on Thursday afternoon. Further information will be sent to the accepted participants. (For interested participants, the Ultra Europe music festival is right the weekend before the start of the workshop.)